
The identity of your brand; Logo design

Today, I will write about the importance and necessity of logo design through the eyes of a professional designer. Because I think there is a lot of missing information on this subject.

In general, the logo; It is one of the sine qua non of corporate identity that reflects the identity of your product or brand and conveys the perception you want to give to the other party in the shortest and most accurate way. It acts as the representative of the company or brand at every step taken on the way to branding. Personally, before I start the logo design, I do field research, analyze the competitors well, and also take care to draw the right path by concentrating on the main idea that we want to highlight.

Every small and big organization, from textiles to sports clubs, has a logo. Since customers often perceive the logo as a corporate brand, they tend to buy the product with the familiar and familiar logo. Therefore, the logo is not only a symbol, but also an important facet of branding. Like all professional designers, I am one of those who think that the brand-logo relationship is an inseparable whole.

One of the essentials for a catchy logo is simplicity and the right use of color. A logo that is unique, reflects the characteristics of the institution to be represented, and whose colors are compatible with the industry or product instills a sense of trust in consumers. Since each color has its own characteristics, the colors to be used in the design should be chosen consciously rather than randomly. It is not a very professional approach to choose random or popular colors, since every detail in logo design has its own importance and what makes the logo stand out is the originality and colors of the design. I suggest using a color chosen according to its meaning, in addition to a pattern, motif, symbol, etc., representing the corporate company, for those who want suggestions in person. I intend to discuss this subject in more detail in my next post.

Since branding and logo are indispensable elements today, catchy and creative logo design is a subject that is accepted by everyone and receives the necessary sensitivity. Since branding and logo are indispensable elements today, catchy and creative logo design is a subject that is accepted by everyone and receives the necessary sensitivity. All these are the details that reveal the importance of logo design.


The language of colors in design

In my previous article, I mentioned the Importance of Logo Design, I explained what should be done in the formation of corporate identity and how the logo should have subtleties. In this article, I will explain in more detail the subject of colors, which I made a brief introduction to in my previous article, because the language of colors in design is not a subject that you can simply pass through.

So much so that special logo works can be done only on the effects of colors. When I look at it from the eyes of a designer, I can easily say that the colors used are one of the cornerstones of the design and can make the design look good or bad.

Colors can convey your character, corporate identity, personality and even your outlook on life with the meanings they contain. You may notice that colors reflect emotions and shape mood. Imagine that you are on an unhappy day and you have to go outside. What would your outfit choice be? Probably dark colors… When you sit at the table with a pessimistic mood to create a design, the colors you will use in the design will be the colors that represent your pessimistic soul. In such situations, which I have experienced from time to time as a designer, I usually take a break from working and try to do things that will give me pleasure and cheer up my mood. As a professional, my biggest principle is not to reflect my mood on my work. I always work with a professional point of view for the corporate works that I design, and I take care to use colors as they should be.

The most used colors are respectively; progresses in the form of red, black, blue, green, brown, purple, pink. Now let’s examine the meanings that these colors evoke and reflect to the other person.

Red: There is a word that is used very often for this color; The starting point of the saying is, ‘Let it be red, three cents more!’ The starting point is correct, because the color red represents vitality and dynamism, and spreads happiness to the environment. At the same time, I must say that it is an appetizing color and many companies in the food industry prefer the color red in their logo design.

Black: Black usually evokes emotionality and sadness, in addition, it represents power. Although it symbolizes sadness and mourning in our country and in many other countries, it represents happiness in Japan, which is a black Far East country, unlike many other countries. Apart from that, it is perhaps the most preferred color because it represents noble feelings.

Blue: The color blue represents the color of the endless sky and vast seas. They become one of the colors I like to use in my designs. Blue represents peace, calmness, a sense of infinity and a sense of spaciousness. Think of the peace you store when you watch a deep blue sea for hours; this is the effect of blue and it is very important in design.

Green: Green is the representative of nature and spring. Due to the vitality it contains, it spreads energy and refreshes people; gives confidence. It is frequently used especially in the financial sector to instill this sense of trust. I must say that it is the most preferred color in the food and health sector, as it evokes the environment and nature.

Brown: Brown is the color of true emotions and discipline. There are scientific studies that show that brown has an accelerating effect on the human brain.

Purple: It represents splendor and luxury life, I would not say that it is used very often in designs. Purple, which is one of the color tones that young girls and ladies love very much, actually represents neurotic feelings.

Pink: The color pink leaves a happy effect on people. It directly reflects its cute, cheerful and cute image. The color, which is mostly loved by children and used in sectors related to children, represents love and comfort.

As you can see, the language of colors in design is extremely important. Not only should the typography or emblem detail in the logo be given importance, but the logo should be supported with the right colors to represent the sector and the institution. Even because of the negative electricity reflected by the logo and the color used, loss of customers may occur. Think of a red-labeled water bottle, how healthy or cold can it make you feel? Tell me!


Mistakes made in logo design

Since the logo will be the external face of a personal and legal organization, it is of great importance for individuals and organizations in every detail. As a professional designer, I sit at the table and start working, knowing this importance in every work I do. Since every detail in logo design, from colors to graphics, reflects the image of the company, even the slightest mistake can shake the prestige and damage the image of the company.


In the professional design world, there are beautiful and creative designs, but unfortunately there are also designs full of mistakes. Today, I would like to guide the young people who have just started their profession by mentioning the mistakes made in logo design.

Designing from Research

One of the most common mistakes is to start designing with only a few information presented to him without doing research. A study like this; results that are incomplete, sloppy and unfortunately do not reflect what the customer wants. While designing a logo, a designer should do his own research, examine the rival companies of the sector for which the logo is desired, and analyze the consumer audience that the logo will serve.

Designing an Over Complex And Detailed Logo

Logo; It should be simple, plain and understandable. When the name of the company or the brand is mentioned, the logo directly comes to mind. Many designers unknowingly make this mistake and unfortunately design the logo in a way that is too complicated and choked with all kinds of details. People who do not understand design or do not care about the power of design may not notice this complexity in the logo, and they may even like it, but for a designer, such works are considered a complete failure in terms of their place in the portfolio and design world. Fitting all the services of the organization requesting the logo into the logo causes the logo to appear complex and sloppy. Considering the logo as a signature, an image to represent the company at every stage of the design can make things easier. In this regard, the world’s giant brands and logos can be examined and inspired.

Using Ready Made Material

In order to create a personalized logo, every material (vector, graphic, etc.) used in the design phase of the logo must be original and created from scratch. Materials taken from places where ready-made vectors and graphics are sold cause the logo to be similar and detract from its originality. There is a high probability that you will see a vector purchased and included in the logo later in different logos and designs. If you are a person who loves his job and takes care, you should reflect this in your work. Being a professional requires it.

Using the Wrong Colors

Colors are the backbone of logo design. Wrong choices made in this regard, no matter how good the graphical image of the logo is, it pulls the logo down and provides a weak image. The effect of colors on emotions should be known and the most accurate color choice should be made by researching the sector and target audience for which the logo will be made.

Font Complexity

Designers like to use unique fonts and strong characters in their work. As a designer, I often get support from fonts in my work. However, the biggest mistake made when using fonts is to use several fonts at once. It is necessary to remember the plain and simple rule at every stage of the logo. When choosing fonts in text-oriented logo designs, it is necessary to limit the different font options to two. Using one or two different fonts is normal and acceptable, while more than two will make the logo look cluttered and unstable. A maximum of two fonts should be used for a strong emphasis.


A catchy logo

Before designing a logo, perhaps the only dream in mind is that that logo is an unforgettable and catchy logo, easily attracting the attention of the audience it will appeal to. However, as in any business, there are tricks to designing a catchy logo. Moreover, these tricks are not just colors, typography and other visual tricks.


A logo should also present the goals of the organization and its place in the industry. There are four basic concepts for an unforgettable logo. These are “simplicity”, “memorability”, “compatibility” and “distinctiveness”.

First of all, let’s look at the concept of “simplicity”. A logo should not be complex and contain many messages, symbols, signs and compelling slogans. Simply designed logos attract attention and are more easily remembered. Moreover, the simpler a logo is, the more cultures and people it appeals to. For example, the logos of companies such as Apple, Nike, Adidas, McDonald’s are quite plain.

It is also very important for a logo to be “rememberable”. The way to do this is to have a successful graphic style and its simplicity. A complex logo is very difficult to remember, but a simple and well-constructed logo immediately attracts attention.

The “harmony” of your logo means: For example, if you are an insurance company, you can include metaphorical symbols that evoke this in your logo (such as an umbrella for protection), or we can give an example of not using the arrow of success that represents rise for a financial company. The compatibility of the colors and symbols you use in your logo design with your industry will create a sense of trust for the people who will encounter your brand for the first time, and will keep it in mind over time.

A logo should make people feel that the company is different from its competitors in the industry. For this, that logo must be “distinctive”. The colors, shapes, typography and design setup used in the logo increase this distinctiveness.

If a catchy logo design is designed in the light of all these concepts, it will be recognized immediately wherever it is seen by gaining a striking, memorable and industry-appropriate form. A logo arranged according to these steps is compatible with the goals and objectives of the company and is associated with the character of the company. Thus, the logo becomes a permanent value for the company and plays a very important role in the advertisement of the company. A perfect logo design will be a very important and valuable initiative for a company’s place in the sector.